U.S. TOUR 2004
Tucson, Arizona - July 13
Quite a contrast from last year. During the first set I was thinking this was the best sounding, most technically outstanding concert I could remember. They were TIGHT! The sound was perfect, not overly loud and I could hear everything very clearly. We did have excellent seats, ninth row center, but we've had similar positions in the past when the sound was crummy. It seemed like they turned it up during intermission, because the first few songs of the second set were a bit muddy in places, but still very fine overall.
The setup and appearance was just like Dave described at L.A. on July 9. So was the playlist, mostly. During the second set a thunderstorm blew in (it's monsoon season in Tucson). It started to rain pretty hard and there was lots of lightning. After A Tu Vera, Pascal went up to the mike and said they'd been asked to stop the concert because of the lightning. I think it was about over by then anyway. They came back out and played Bamboleo. There was a power failure, so we actually got to see part of Bamboleo literally UNPLUGGED! The crowd was large, but very warm and enthusiastic. They even got the hand-claps right! Amazing! It was nice to see them actually promote the Roots CD during the show, as someone else already pointed out. That's a first! They dropped a bunch of standards to make room for the newer music, like Montana, Un Amor, Galaxia and others. They made up for it by playing Quiero Saber (always one of my favorite concert tunes) and not Volare. All in all, a really GREAT show! ...Bob
To add to Bob's review -
> Quite a contrast from last year the venue wasn't quite as awful, but maybe we just knew what to expect. Got there early, had dinner with Karen de Tucson and it was a much more relaxing experience than fighting traffic and rushing to make the show on time.
> During the first set I was thinking > this was the best sounding, most technically outstanding concert I > could remember I agree completely. One of the songs they played was a jazzy jammin' tune from "Essences" and it was extraordinary. They have a new keyboardist who is excellent. Must admit I like him more than Dominique. The backup band is tight and plays a perfect compliment to the GK. Not a distraction at all.
> During the second set a thunderstorm > blew in (it's monsoon season in Tucson) This always makes me wonder why they would choose an outdoor venue in Tucson during the summer. The threat of lightening is beyond extreme -- it's a given. It's always wet and steamy this time of year with sudden thunderstorms rolling into the valley. Uncomfortable and dangerous.
> They came > back out and played Bamboleo. There was a power failure, so we > actually got to see part of Bamboleo literally UNPLUGGED! > The crowd was large, but very warm and enthusiastic. The crowd actually helped Nicolas along as he was singing through a dead mike with no backup looking lost and helpless.
> It was nice to see them actually promote the Roots CD during the > show, as someone else already pointed out um....that was me. I went to the paraphenalia stand to buy the book for Laura and one thing that I noticed was that several people asked if they were selling CDs, which they weren't.
> They dropped a > bunch of standards to make room for the newer music but they did play Poquito a Poco, one of my favorites. Must say, I did miss Salsa de Noche, though. Canut's voice seems to have recovered splendidly. And Diego didn't sing lead on Petite Noya, just as on Leno. Nicolas did.
> All in all, a really GREAT show! Yes it was! ...................................LP
Okay here is my review of the Tucson show, not much to add to what Bob and Lauren have already said. I was sitting in the lawn area and when it did start to lightning at one point Tonino did a quick flair on the guitar and the lightning kept the beat with what he was doing so those of us that were actually on the lawn got a Mother Nature light show to go with the stage lighting. That really got us lawn people going. I don't recall the actual play list but they did do one of my favorites from Roots "Tampa" I'll second what Bob and Lauren said about the sound...it was fantastic. I think really in all the concerts I've seen this time they were all very tight and nothing overpowering something else, as in the past. I have some nostalgic feelings for the old back-up band versus the new, but I must say the new back-up band can hold there own. To anyone who has yet to go.....GET THE BOOK!! Its well worth the $25.00 to see some of the history, alot of the photos are on the Tierra Gitana video but there are a few that are not, such as a pic of the Reyes grandfather and Clementine. In conclusion I think the crowd at Tucson really got into it sooner than other concerts I've seen and the guys appeared to enjoy themselves. Karen de Tucson